10 Years After This City Seized A Woman’s Land: An Empty Lot

Connor D. Wolf The Libertarian Republic 6/24/2015

It’s been a decade since the city of New London, Conn. forcibly took the Fort Trumbull neighborhood for what became private-development, and now all that remains is an empty lot.

In 1998, the area surrounding the waterfront neighborhood saw an increased surge of economic development. This prompted city […]

UVA Law Prof Who Supports Gay Marriage Explains Why He Supports Indiana’s Religious Freedom Law

John McCormack The Weekly Standard 3/29/2015

Douglas Laycock, a professor at the University of Virginia Law School, writes in an email:

The issue with respect to Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRAs) is whether people should be allowed to practice their religion, even when their acts would otherwise be illegal, if they are not doing any […]

Democrats Pushing Massive New Gun Control Through Congress

Kimberly Morin The Federalist Papers 3/16/2015

The ATF recently said they would not seek to issue any final guidelines on banning M855 “green tipped” ammunition following 80,000 comments on line as well as opposition by 52 senators and 238 house members. They claim they seek to fully process all of the comments etc. as recently […]

Even Before Long Winter Begins, Energy Bills Send Shivers in New England

Katharine Q. Seelye The New York Times 12/13/2014

…For months, utility companies across New England have been warning customers to expect sharp price increases, for which the companies blame the continuing shortage of pipeline capacity to bring natural gas to the region.

Now that the higher bills […]

NRA warns of Obama-fueled ‘end-run around Congress’ on gun rights

Cheryl K. Chumley The Washington Times 11/14/2014

The National Rifle Association issued a stark warning that a U.N. Arms Trade treaty set to take effect on Christmas Eve could lead to a U.S. crackdown on Second Amendment rights — not via a Senate ratification, but rather an “end-run around Congress,” a spokesperson said.

“We are […]

They Are Coming for Your Children

Teacup totalitarians target Connecticut home-schoolers

Kevin D. Williamson National Review 10/7/2014

Home-schoolers represent the only authentically radical social movement in the United States (Occupy Wall Street was a fashion statement) and so they must be suppressed, as a malevolent committee of leftist academics and union bosses under the direction of Governor Dannel Malloy is preparing […]
