Friday Document Dump: Clintons Wanted to Force Militias to Register With Federal Government

Sancho Panza Soopermexican 10/11/2014

As expected, a large document dump was dropped on Friday at the start of a three-day weekend, hoping most Americans wouldn’t pay attention. Politico reports on many of the revelations from Clinton’s term as President, but this one about militias is especially interesting:

In the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing, […]

Robert Bergdahl harassed twin sisters in Hailey, ID, for several months

EXCLUSIVE – Revealed: Twin sisters lived in fear of Bowe Bergdahl’s ‘stalker’ father who was caught ‘peeping into their windows while they were in the shower’

Lacey and Allie Hillman, 31-year-old twin sisters from Hailey, Idaho, went to police after a series of harassing incidents involving Robert (Bob) Bergdahl in 2011 They claim that Bergdahl, […]

Bergdahl's father now under scrutiny himself

John M. Glionna The Los Angeles Times via Idaho Statesman 6/8/2014

…Over the years, residents of this small resort town in the shadow of the Sawtooth Mountains watched as he slowly changed over the long months of his son’s ordeal. Always private, the conservative Presbyterian everyone knew as the local UPS deliveryman further retreated into […]

Westerners fear Obama preparing monuments land grab

Thomas Burr The Salt Lake Tribune 5/2/2014

…Obama already has named a handful of monuments across the country — using his unilateral power under the 1906 Antiquities Act — and has promised more.

“I’ll use my authority to protect more of our pristine federal lands for future generations,” he said in his State of the […]

Idaho governor signs emergency legislation nullifying all future federal gun laws

Michael Lotfi Ben Swann 3/22/2014

On Thursday, Idaho Governor Butch Otter (R) signed a bill, which would effectively nullify future federal gun laws, by prohibiting state enforcement of any future federal act relating to personal firearms, a firearm accessories or ammunition.

S1332 passed the house by a vote of 68-0 and the senate by a […]

First Daughters’ Spring Break Part II: Sun Valley

Jeannie DeAngelis American Thinker 3/30/2013

Outrageous as it may seem to some, rather than respond appropriately to the criticism and back off from the extravagant vacations, Michelle and Barry chose instead to thumb their noses at America by flying Sasha and Malia from the Atlantis in the Bahamas to Sun Valley, Idaho to top off […]
