FEMA Screwed Up, Now Want Cash Back From Victims of Hurricane ‘Sandy’

Soopermexican The Right Scoop 6/20/2015

Well isn’t this a kick in the face. Sandy victims who got money from FEMA are now being told they have to pay it back because the federal government screwed up in handing it out.

Now look, as a hard-working taxpayer, I don’t want the government to be wasting tax-money […]

J. Christian Adams on Fox: ‘Some DOJ Lawyers in Division Probing Baltimore PD Worked for Anti-Police Orgs’

Is DOJ investigation into Baltimore PD destined to be labeled “grotesque misconduct” by a federal judge, just like their investigation into New Orleans PD?

David Steinberg PJ Tatler PJ Media 5/12/2015

PJ Media Legal Editor J. Christian Adams appeared with Shannon Bream to discuss the Department of Justice’s investigation into the conduct of Baltimore’s Police […]

Republican rep explains how Obama incited race riots, starting with the ‘Beer Summit’

Carmine Sabia BizPac Review 5/10/2015

Iowa Rep. Steve King took President Obama to task Saturday, blaming him for the conditions that caused civil unrest in Baltimore and Ferguson.

“President Obama has consistently driven wedges between people. And he perceives a difference on race, maybe on ethnicity, well yes on ethnicity, sexual orientation—wedge after wedge after […]

Baltimore firefighters blast Obama’s ‘one fire’ lie; which of the 159 ARSONS was he talking about?

Michael Dorstewitz BizPac Review 5/3/2015

In an attempt to downplay the rioting that took place in Baltimore last week, President Obama claimed that TV news outlets repeatedly looped the same fire on news segments.

Union officials have just one question: Which fire was he talking about? Firefighters responded to 159 fires during Monday’s rioting…

…those […]

Law Professor: Baltimore Officers Were Overcharged, Charges Will Likely Be Dismissed

Chuck Ross The Daily Mail 5/1/2015

Charges filed against the six Baltimore police officers for their involvement in the death of Freddie Grey will be dismissed, a George Washington University law professor predicted in an interview with The Daily Caller.

John Banzhaf, who teaches public interest law, says that the charges announced by Baltimore state’s […]

From the man using his body to block violent mob to the boy handing out water to riot cops: Moments of kindness in Baltimore amid the violence

Thousands of Baltimore residents pitched in to clean up the city on Tuesday after a night of riots and looting Two moving images surfaced, showing a young boy passing out water to cops and another man protecting a police line from an agitated crowd


The Daily Mail [UK] 28 April 2015

After a […]
