Black Americans from Chicago Speak Out about Life under Democrat Rule

David Leeper Western Free Press 10/28/2014

From, here are strong words from black Americans about life under decades of Democrat-only rule and the need to wake up and vote wisely.

This message may have been intended for American black communities, but it speaks truth to all Americans about the failed promises of Democrat progressive […]

President Jimmy Carter to be keynote speaker at Muslim convention in Detroit

TK Barger The Toledo Blade 8/23/2014

The Islamic Society of North America or ISNA, the nation’s largest Muslim group, will hold its 51st annual convention in Detroit’s Cobo Center Friday through Sept. 1, and will feature former President Jimmy Carter as the keynote speaker. President Carter will talk on the subject of his latest book, […]

NBC Discovers Hypocrisy of Michael Moore’s Wealth; Used Him to Bash Wall Street in Past

Kyle Drennen Media Research Center 7/23/2014

On Wednesday, NBC’s Today offered a surprising full report on “filmmaker and liberal activist” Michael Moore tarnishing his “blue-collar, anti-capitalist image” after it was revealed during divorce proceedings that Moore and his now ex-wife lived in a Michigan mansion, “the 10,000-square-foot house, reportedly in the same neighborhood as Madonna […]

Map Of Locations To Which Feds Are Shipping Illegal Alien Minors

Nickarama Weasel Zippers 7/4/2014

This map was created by NumbersUSA from media reports. Click on the link for a bigger version of the map as well as a list of all the places so far recorded in media, as well as other places proposed. As can be noted from the list, at most of these […]

Overturning petition ruling Judge puts John Conyers on primary ballot

Associated Press via The Washington Examiner 5/23/2014

A judge on Friday ordered U.S. Rep. John Conyers to be placed on the August primary ballot, overturning a decision by Michigan election officials who found the Detroit Democrat ineligible because of problems with his nominating petitions.

Many petitions were thrown out because the people who gathered signatures […]

Boston Public Schools to Eliminate History & Social Science Departments

Joseph J Ferreira, Jr. Network H-High-S 5/21/2014

It was announced today that the Boston Public School department is “reorganizing” by eliminating all Departments of History & Social Sciences in all schools and folding the departments into the Department of English Language Arts as a “Humanities Department” with the currciculum determined by the ELA Common Core […]
