Sen. Tim Scott to Obama: ‘What type of gun law would have made this situation not occur?’

Carmine Sabia BizPac Review 6/20/2015

South Carolina Senator Tim Scott has a question for President Obama after the president pushed the idea of more anti-gun legislation just hours after nine people were killed in a Charleston church.

“What type of gun law would have made this situation not occur?” Scott asked, appearing Friday on Fox […]

Minnesota Muslims want $150K from government for pork-free food giveaway

Cheryl K. Chumley The Washington Times 9/22/2014

Muslims in Minnesota facing poverty and tapping local food banks say they need a program that recognizes their pork-free needs.

Somali-Americans in one Minneapolis community have called for local government officials to create a no-pork zone via a special food shelf just for foods that conform to their […]

The Reformation of Manners

Mark Steyn Steyn Online 8/29/2014

On Friday I appeared on Michael Graham’s radio show to discuss, among other things, the appalling revelations from Rotherham, a drab town in South Yorkshire in which over the course of a decade and a half some 1,400 girls (as young as 11) were “groomed”, drugged, raped, traded and, occasionally, […]

Here’s ‘Lone Survivor’ NAVY SEAL’s Response to Jesse Ventura’s Lawsuit of American Hero Chris Kyle



Sancho Panza Soopermexican 7/30/2014

In a blow to everyone’s collective belief in the goodness of humanity, conspiracy enthusiast and bottom-dweller Jesse Ventura won his lawsuit against the widow of Chris Kyle, the “American Sniper.” This sad turn of events proves that we live in a fallen world, and none other than Marcus […]

'Appoint a Special Prosecutor in the IRS Scandal'

Glenn Reynolds Instapundit 6/29/2014


“The old caution against ascribing to malice what can explained by incompetence is worth keeping in mind when evaluating a high-profile blunder in either the private or public sector, such as the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups for extra scrutiny. But the latest twist in […]

Summary of ‘Knock Out’ Attacks: This is Not a Game

“Knock Out Game” ? “Polar Bear Hunting” ? “Cracka Smacks” ?

sundance The Last Refuge The Conservative Treehouse 2/20/2014

The mainstream media, and even law enforcement, have consistently tried to claim the race-based “Knock Out” assaults are mythical in nature.

Various manipulations of labeling have taken place with some calling the attacks “a game”, or […]
