Former Congressman Allen West Gives Fiery, Emotional Speech at 'Stop Iran Deal Rally' in Times Square

Donna Dames YouTube 7/22/2015

Former Florida Congressman Allen West absolutely exploded over the Iran nuclear deal during a fiery speech at a “Stop Iran Deal Rally” in New York City’s Times Square on Wednesday. The Republican strongly criticized President Barack Obama’s leadership on the issue, calling him a “weakling” and “charlatan.” West asked the crowd […]

Sessions: Fast-Tracking The Loss Of U.S. Sovereignty

SenatorSessions YouTube 6/22/2015

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Sharyl Attkisson: 'Journalism is suffering from a crisis of its own making'

AFPFoundation YouTube 6/1/2015

Sharyl Attkisson is an Emmy award winning investigative journalist and author of the New York Times bestseller: “Stonewalled.” She joined us as a keynote speaker at Right Online 2015. As the title of her book clearly depicts, her run ins with the Obama White House weren’t what journalists have been used to […]

Our #‎AmericanPharoah‬

6 June 2015

The third time was the charm for the oldest jockey ever to win the ‪#‎TripleCrown


Thank You ALL My Great Friends and Fans, You Made this the Happiest Day of My Life.. ~Jockey Victor Espinoza on Facebook


  Related: American History! Pharoah Ends Triple Crown Drought At Belmont […]

Senate advances spy legislation but law will lapse

Susan Ferrechio The Washington Examiner 5/31/2015

A bill to extend a controversial anti-terrorism surveillance tool cleared a key Senate hurdle Sunday evening, but not in time to prevent it from expiring at midnight.

The Senate voted 77-17 to bring the USA Freedom Act to the floor for debate. The bill would extend surveillance provisions of […]

'Defying the Sword'

The Kelly File Fox News 5/26/2015

This is a rush transcript from “The Kelly File,” May 24, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated…

…first comes the question of how best to deal with a dangerous faction within Islam which is attracting new converts like Simpson and […]
