Civil Rights Panel Investigates…The Obama Justice Department

Posted by Duane Lester
All American Blogger
Dec 21st, 2009

In August, I talked about how the Obama Administration won the case against them, but then inexplicably dropped the case. I wrote then, “I would like to hear why this was just dropped…”

It turns out, I’m not the only one who wants some answers on this:

The United States Civil Rights Commission, an eight-member agency that investigates accusations of discrimination, has launched a new offensive against a most unusual target: the Justice Department.

The commission is investigating why the Justice Department dropped charges in May against three members of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense in a voter intimidation case that the government won.

The Justice Department has defended its actions, saying it obtained an injunction against one member while dismissing charges against the others “based on a careful assessment of the facts and the law.”

But that explanation hasn’t satisfied the commission or Republican lawmakers, who say the dismissal could lead to an escalation of voter intimidation.

Anyone else find it ironic that the US Civil Rights Commission has to investigate a Justice Department headed by a black Attorney General, appointed by a black President.

It was my understanding we were living in a post racial America.

Perhaps Holder didn’t get that memo.

Anyone else find it ironic that the US Civil Rights Commission has to investigate a Justice Department headed by a black Attorney General, appointed by a black President.

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