CNN's Candy Crowley asks Sen. Rand Paul if he would consider switching parties

Glenn Beck

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During his filibuster earlier this year, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was widely viewed as an enemy of the state by the mainstream media. During the more recent Obamacare and debt ceiling debates, however, Sen. Paul has taken a sideline approach as his colleagues like Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) garner the majority of the media attention.

Apparently Sen. Paul’s silence has been construed as disgruntlement by at least some in the media, for CNN’s Candy Crowley actually asked Sen. Paul if he would consider switching parties during an interview on Sunday’s State of the Union.

“Candy Crowley, I mean, didn’t they hate Rand Paul recently,” Glenn asked on radio this morning. “But because Rand Paul is out of this fight and has stayed on the sidelines, now Rand Paul is suddenly the most reasonable man in America. In fact, maybe Rand should become a Democrat. I’m not kidding you.”

CROWLEY: Do you see yourself at any point in the future being other than politically a member of the Republican Party?

RAND PAUL: You mean, you’re implying a third party or some other party?

CROWLEY: Or if you wanted to become a Democrat. There’s lots of third parties out there. Just wonder if you see, see yourself being anything other than a Republican.

RAND PAUL: No, I’ve always been a Republican and I’m one of those people who actually is a real lover of the history of the Republican Party – from the days of abolition through the days of civil rights. The Republican Party has a really rich history. In our state, I’m really proud of the fact that the ones who overturned Jim Crow in Kentucky were Republicans fighting against an entirely unified Democrat Party. So I am proud to be a Republican, can’t imagine being anything else.

“That is the greatest answer I’ve ever heard,” Glenn said…


The article, with video, continues at




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