Convicted Bomber #BrettKimberlin, #NealRauhauser, #RonBrynaert, and Their Campaign of Political Terrorism

Patterico’s Pontifications

You’re about to listen to one of the most bone-chilling pieces of audio you will ever hear. At least, it was to me when I first heard it.

It’s a phone call that could have gotten me killed.

In this post you will hear that audio clip. You will also read about a months-long campaign of harassment carried out by at least three individuals: Ron Brynaert, Neal Rauhauser, and Brett Kimberlin — much of it directed at critics of Brett Kimberlin. This harassment includes repeated references to critics’ family members, workplace complaints, publication of personal information such as home addresses and pictures of residences, bogus allegations of criminal activity, whisper campaigns, frivolous legal actions, and frivolous State Bar complaints.

And finally, you will hear a comparison of one of those men’s voices to that of the man who made the call that sent police to my home. And you’ll read a declaration from a forensic audio expert comparing those two voices.


In the last radio interview Andrew Breitbart ever gave, on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show, Breitbart talked about a new ruthless tactic used by thugs against political opponents:

[O]ne of the things they’ve done to people who have worked with me in the past, including an L.A. prosecutor, is to “SWAT.” That means that they’re spoofing phones, pretending to be somebody else’s phone, calling 911, and saying “I killed somebody” and then the person’s home is met with the guns drawn, the SWAT and the helicopters, in a horrifying act. It’s happened twice: once in New Jersey, once in Los Angeles, with an L.A. County . . . prosecutor who [is] associated with me.”

I am that L.A. County prosecutor. And in this post, you’ll hear the hoax call that sent police to my house, pointing loaded guns at me…

…As an aside, I have listened to Brett Kimberlin in court audio, saying he meets with Congressmen on a regular basis. I want to make sure these Congressmen know what he’s doing.

I have appreciated the support I have felt in recent days, with people like Michelle Malkin, Instapundit, Stacy McCain, Ace, and many others stepping up and being willing to take on this topic.

It is my hope that the support of the blogosphere will not melt away after today. Because the harassment will almost certainly live on.

It’s an important battle to take on. And I want to stress that this should not be a partisan issue. I believe Brett Kimberlin uses lefty politics as a tool — but he doesn’t believe any of it in his heart. He is looking for a buck. I have been heartened to see left-leaning people of all stripes stand up to this guy in the past, from Mark Singer, the author of Citizen K; to Ken Ashford, who refused to give up Aaron Walker’s identity; to the left-leaning lawyer who represented Aaron pro bono.

It is my hope that left-leaning blogs will recognize that this is not a partisan issue. It is a free speech issue.

Remember how I said one of my commenters was outed? And this crew started talking about his parents? And his divorce records? For being a commenter of mine?

What happened to me could literally happen to anyone. It could happen to you.

If you take nothing else from this post, remember that. It could happen to you.

The article, with audio, continues at Patterico’s Pontifications.

The Blaze is the first major media entity to show any interest in this story: You need to know about Brett Kimberlin

At Ace of Spades HQ several entries have been dedicated to this story, starting at the top of the blog with May 25,2012. Ace and other bloggers are trying to raise funds, anonymously if possible, to protect the rights of those caught up in this net of terrorism.

Update#StandYourGroundConservatives! — May 25th Solidarity Blogburst Stands Up to Brett Kimberlin and the Left’s Intimidation Network at American Power Blog.

Update 2: Another Assault on the 1st Amendment: Brett Kimberlin at BackyardConservative

Kimberlin Funders Stunned to Discover they Fund Kimberlin

A Breitbart News investigation has revealed that many of the funders of the Justice Through Music Project (JTMP), a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization of which convicted “Speedway bomber” Brett Kimberlin is a director, do not know about his criminal past. Those foundations and funds listed as donors that responded to request for comment also indicated that they had not been contacted by media other than Breitbart News.

A spokesperson for Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift, which is listed by JTMP over several years, explained to Breitbart News that the fund is not donor-advised, meaning that it does not have discretion over donations made by individuals or organizations with accounts at the fund. Donors merely park their funds at Fidelity to receive an immediate charitable tax deduction, and direct those funds over time, as they wish, to any 501(c)3.

Five percent of donations through Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift are anonymous, according to the fund’s spokesperson, who could not say whether donations received by JTMP were actually anonymous, or were simply reported as being from the fund rather than the donor in question. Some recipients, the spokesperson indicated, occasionally list Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift as the donor rather than the original source.

Another source of donor funds to JTMP in 2009, the Schwab Charitable Fund…


Notorious Domestic Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Exposure Day Post [With Lots of Updates]

Today is “Everybody blog about Brett Kimberlin day”

Ezra Levant re Brett Kimberlin: terrorist-activist harrasses conservative bloggers (video)

I stand with Stacy. And Aaron. And Patterico

Domestic Terrorism On The Internet: The Brett Kimberlin Saga

A “Blog About Kimberlin Day” Post You’re Going To Want To See

A Brett Kimberlin situation “could happen to you”

Who’s funding Brett Kimberlin?

Letter from an Indiana reader about Brett Kimberlin

Profiles in Moonbattery: Brett Kimberlin

Michelle Malkin on Brett Kimberlin Crew’s Harassment of Bloggers

I think I was meant to be intimidated [updated]

Free Speech Blogburst — Brett Kimberlin edition [Darleen Click]

The Harrassment of Patterico & Its Roots In Left-Wing Activism

Daily Kos’s Neal Rauhauser, Bomber Brett Kimberlin, and Political Terrorism

Brett Kimberlin Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying, Love The Bomb And Became A Prison Boy Toy

Who is Brett Kimberlin? #Brettkimberlin

Stalking the Blogosphere – BlogBurst Friday for Free Speech

Media watch: Brett Kimberlin was hero to The New York Times in 1991

Violent Convicted Terrorist Bomber Given Million$ by Progressives Now Terrorizes Bloggers

Update 3: At American Power, Prof. Douglas becomes a recipient of the new civility: Progressives at ‘No More Mister Nice Blog’ Issue Death Threat: ‘I Haven’t Killed Anyone Since ‘Nam…’

…This is pretty interesting considering the massive conservative blogburst on the Brett Kimberlin story.

While these dwids are epic clusterf-ck losers, the episode is yet another example of the left’s inclination to violence against those who stand up against progressive lies and propaganda…

…These people will stop at nothing. But the tide is turning and conservative sunshine is disinfecting the menace.

Read the whole thing.

Also, Did Brett Kimberlin Break Federal Law (18 USC 241)? Heh.

Marlon McAvoy Dares Brett Kimberlin To Kill Him, at Blazing Cat Fur.

Update 4: Why The Brett Kimberlin Story Is A Bigger Problem For Progressives Than You May Realize

Stand with Patterico, Aaron, and free speech

Headline updated

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