Cruz, Lee not so 'wacko' after all?

Report: Senate Dems Up for Re-Election in 2014 to Back Delay of Obamacare Enrollment Deadline

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Matthew Boyle
Big Government
23 Oct 2013

On Wednesday, CNN’s Dana Bash tweeted that all Senate Democrats up for re-election in 2014 will reportedly support a delay of Obamacare’s enrollment deadline…

…“new: senior dem source tells me to expect every sen dem running in 2014 to back @JeanneShaheen proposal to delay #ACA enrollment deadline,” Bash tweeted on early Wednesday evening

…The Democrats’ push comes shortly after Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) recently launched a crusade against Obamacare. Cruz’s efforts and those of Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) showed the American people the president and Senate Democrats were unwilling to compromise on Obamacare, and the Democrats’ stubbornness resulted in a temporary partial government shutdown and a short-lived debt crisis scare.

Many Republicans, including the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), have been predicting for months that the Democrats would look for an Obamacare “escape hatch” ahead of 2014.


The complete article, with video, is at Big Government.


Also at Breitbart:  …Manchin to Introduce Bill to Delay…

…WH, NBC News Battle over Obamacare Delay

Sebelius: ‘A Lot’ Of Americans Don’t Know How To Budget For Insurance


Related: Dem Senator Crafting Bill to Delay Obamacare Individual Mandate a Year

…Manchin’s state has become increasingly Republican over the past few years. Even with Obamacare’s rolling Katrina-scale disaster, his bill stands little chance of getting past the Senate’s Democratic leadership, and President Obama remains unlikely to sign such a bill. He only learns about his own policy disaster by reading the newspapers…


Dear Leader Denies Involvement in Obamacare Creation

Dear Leader Comrade President is denying his involvement in the creation of his signature health care law. On the basis that “We had to pass it in order to see what was in it,” the White House issued its newest talking point, “I didn’t build that.”


Chris Matthews Instructs Guests ‘To Be Positive’ About ObamaCare Launch

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews apparently wants no discouraging words about ObamaCare on his program.

At the beginning of a segment about problems with the website’s launch, the Hardball host actually told his guests Monday, “I want you, both gentlemen, to be positive”…


Update: Reports: Obama plans six-week delay of Obamacare mandate.


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