David Letterman Finally Exposes the Truth About Tea Partiers

His Excellent Interview with Pam Stout, President of Sandpoint, Idaho Tea Party

Lori Ziganto

This is not an April Fools’ Day joke either. David Letterman had Pam Stout, the Sandpoint, Idaho Tea Party President on his show the other night. The result?

A very fair and enlightening interview, showing the real face of the Tea Party to many viewers who may have only been believing the lamestream media spin (Racists! Cuckoo pants! Violent Haters!)

From Allahpundit at Hot Air (emphasis mine):

No joke; this is a near-jawdropper. Even an apolitical mag like Entertainment Weekly calls it “quietly remarkable.” I don’t know what Letterman had in mind by booking her. Maybe he thought he was going to lure her into some sort of gotcha that would prove tea partiers are freaks, or maybe he was just interested in engaging someone from the other side’s grassroots — although he’s never done that before, to my knowledge. Whatever the reason, this ends up being one of the most efficient (if possibly inadvertent) debunkings of tea-party craziness to ever hit big media.

Yup. Whatever the motives, the end result is marvelous. She could be your Mom, your Grandma, your neighbor down the road. Sure takes the wind out of the racist, crazy, angry, spitting and epithet hurling narrative, doesn’t it?

Part 3 of the video and the rest of the article continue at RedState.com Hopefully, CBS will allow the video to remain on YouTube.

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