Do FCC proposals place radio, Internet under government control?

Anthony G. Martin
Conservative Examiner

As many politicos and watchdogs predicted back in late 2007 and early 2008, the FCC has recently unveiled proposals that some believe would place broadcast radio and the Internet under government control.

The proposals would mandate more ‘diversity’ on radio–a move that conservatives say is aimed at limiting the influence and reach of conservative talk radio–as well as place government in full control over the Internet, serving as the gate-keeper over what information is allowed to be disseminated on the web.

But before delving into the the proposals themselves, a bit of history concerning how this came about is in order.

Early in 2009 as newly-elected Barack Obama began to finalize the process of selecting political appointees to serve in his Administration, one of the selections that was of particular concern to conservatives and libertarians was that of Mark Lloyd to serve at the FCC as the so-called ‘diversity czar.’

Lloyd had already caught the attention of liberty-watchdogs due to his various statements indicating his admiration for Venezuelan Communist Hugo Chavez. It certainly did not help matters when it was disclosed that Lloyd had served as Senior Fellow at John Podesta’s leftwing ‘Center for American Progress,’ where other Obama leftists such as Van Jones had also served.

But the biggest source of controversy surrounding Lloyd was a speech he gave in 2008 during which he praised the Chavez revolution in Venezuela and indicated his support for ‘media reforms’ closely akin to those enacted by Chavez, which essentially gave the government full control over broadcast content on radio and TV.

Read the entire article at the Conservative Examiner.

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