Eric Holder Will Decide if You Belong to a Hate Group

Posted by NightTwister
Friday, October 9, 2009

That is, if HR2647 passes. This bill originally passed the House without the Hate Crimes legislation included, but it was added as an amendment in the Senate. The text of the legislation gives the Attorney General, currently Eric H. Holder, Jr., the right to determine if a group is “associated with hate-related violence against groups or persons or the United States Government”. From the legislative text,

(2) DEFINITION OF HATE GROUP.—In this subsection, the terms ‘group associated with hate-related violence’ or ‘hate group’ mean the following:
(A) Groups or organizations that espouse or engage in acts of violence against other groups or minorities based on ideals of hate, ethnic supremacies, white supremacies, racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, or other bigotry ideologies.

It gets worse as we go:

(G) Other groups or organizations that are determined by the Attorney General to be of a violent, extremist nature.

If you think Tea Party activists and bloggers are safe from this legislation, think again.

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