FAA Shut Down: Obama Cannot Unilaterally Fund Pork

Americans for Prosperity

AFP VP Policy Phil Kerpen issued the following statement on the reported FAA deal:

Senate Democrats shut down the FAA to block a House-passed long-term extension over special interest union provisions. They blocked a short-term extension to protect egregious pork-barrel spending for 13 rural airports with almost no passengers under the Essential Air Service.

Now, a “deal” has been announced under which the Senate will pass the House’s short-term extension, but the president will somehow keep the pork dollars flowing, in plain violation of what the law says and the basic constitutional principle of separation of powers.

The White House has promised to “waive or negate the cuts” according to the Associated Press. President Obama cannot unilaterally fund pork. This is unacceptable and we urge Obama to instead follow the law and allow this wasteful pork spending to end.


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