Former Navy SEAL forming Veterans Bar Association

The Daily Transcript
San Diego, CA
Thursday, September 24, 2009

When Walter Scott couldn’t find a legal group geared specifically for military veterans, he decided to fill the void himself.

The former Navy SEAL has launched the Veterans Bar Association, a networking and mentoring organization for current and former military members working in the civilian legal field.

“I wasn’t looking to form one so as much as to join one,” he said. “I didn’t find one in the area. Then I even looked a little more widely, and I didn’t find one at all. I still haven’t found one anywhere in the country.

“There are organizations for JAG (Judge Advocate General) and military law in general, but nothing really for veterans at large.”

Ever since his initial search yielded nothing, Scott, an associate at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, has been organizing a veterans group here in San Diego.

The group met for the first time Thursday evening at Pillsbury’s downtown offices. His plan is first to identify local veteran attorneys and then help them network and facilitate mentoring relationships.

“I’m not in a position to say veterans need a group or they don’t need a group,” he admitted. “I don’t know who they are. I have to ask them.”

While Scott doesn’t know of any specific obstacles facing veterans who want to practice civilian law, he thinks the Veterans Bar Association will provide a beneficial venue for Army and Navy vets just getting into the legal profession.

The complete article is here.

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