Frances Fox Piven: Lecture on mid-term elections & the Tea Party

14 January 2011

Difficult to say whether we found this more disgusting and delusional, or just howling funny…Who has time for all that sex when we’re busy being angry racists?

H/T Jared Law, The 9.12 Project Network

Update: The Other McCain writes, “Don’t Tell My Wife”:

“Honey, I’ve got to go cover another Tea Party rally,” I tell her, and she thinks it’s all about politics — lower taxes, limited government, stuff like that — but now Frances Fox Pivens has decided she’s a Tea Party expert and lets the cat out of the bag

Ed Driscoll reminds us that everything is about sex. Especially blogging. FMJRA. IYKWIMAITYD.

Update 2: On his Facebook page Trevor Loudon at New Zeal says Piven prefers violence:

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