Investor’s Business Daily
Economy: The 16,000 delegates to the two-week-long orgy of self-flagellation known as the Copenhagen Climate Conference want to shrink global output of CO2 not because of hard science, but out of envy.
Even as Climate-gate suggests that sham science lies behind global warming, delegates are swarming into the Scandinavian city to push for steep cuts in carbon dioxide output by industrialized nations.
We’ll let others comment on the hypocrisy of those who, while trying to force the rest of us into an ever-smaller carbon footprint, will employ more than 1,200 limousines and 140 private jets while producing 880 pounds of CO2 per attendee at their conference.
Or the even-worse hypocrisy of Rajendra Pachauri, the U.N.’s global warming guru, who in one 19-month period flew 443,243 miles — including trips to have dinner at Washington’s Brookings Institution and one memorable overnighter to attend a cricket match — but now wants the rest of us to be forced into a “carbon allowance.”
What goes little commented on, however, is the reason for the vehemence of these calls for CO2 sacrifice on the part of the U.S.: a desire to take our economy down.
Having decisively lost the great debate between capitalism and socialism, the only way the global warming socialists can do this is by imposing restrictions on U.S. output in response to the ginned-up “emergency” of global warming.
The editorial continues here.