September 18, 2009
Uncommon Sense
Below are the names of those members of Congress that could not or would not step up and “Do the Right Thing” when it came to holding ACORN accountable for their corrupt ways.
House of Representatives: RepTammy Baldwin, D-WI; Xavier Becerra, D-CA; Robert Brady D-PA;
Corrine Brown, D-FL; G.K. Butterfield, D-NC; Mike Capuano, D-MA;
Andre Carson, D-IN: Kathy Castor, D-FL; Emanuel Cleaver, D-MO
James Clyburn, D-SC; Joseph Crowley, D-NY; Elijah Cummings, D-MD
Danny Davis, D-IL; Diane DeGette, D-CO; Bill Delahunt, D-MA; Mike Doyle, D-PA;
Donna Edwards, D-MD; Keith Ellison, D-MN; Eliot Engel, D-NY; Chaka Fattah, D-PA;
Bob Filner, D-CA; Marcia Fudge, D-OH; Al Green, D-TX; Raul Grijalva, D-AZ;
Maurice Hinchey, D-NY; Mazie Hirono, D-HI; Rush Holt, D-NJ; Mike Honda, D-CA;
Jesse Jackson, Jr. D-IL; Sheila Jackson-Lee, D-TX; Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-TX;
Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, D-MI; Dennis Kucinich, D-OH; Rick Larsen, D-WA;
Barbara Lee, D-CA; John Lewis, D-GA; Stephen Lynch, D-MA Markey, D-MA;
Betty McCollum, D-MN; McDermott, D-WA; McGovern, D-MS; Gregory Meeks, D-NY;
Alan Mollohan, D-WV; Gwen Moore, D-WI; Jim Moran, D-VA; Jerrold Nadler, D-NY;
Richard Neal, D-MA; John Olver, D-MA; Frank Pallone, D-NJ; Bill Pascrell, D-NJ;
Donald Payne, D-NJ; Jared Polis, D-CO; David Price, D-NC; Nick Rahall, D-WV;
Charlie Rangel, D-NY; Lucille Roybal-Allard, D-CA; Bobby Rush, D-IL;
Linda Sánchez, D-CA; Jan Schakowsky, D-IL; David Scott D-GA; Bobby Scott, D-VA;
Jose Serrano, D-NY; Brad Sherman, D-CA; Albio Sires, D-NJ; Louise Slaughter, D-NY;
Pete Stark, D-CA; Bennie Thompson, D-MS; Edolphus Towns, D-NY;
Niki Tsongas, D-MA; Nydia Velázquez, D-NY; Maxine Waters, D-CA;
Diane Watson, D-CA; Henry Waxman, D-CA; Robert Wexler, D-FL; Lynn Woolsey, D-CA
Senate: Durbin D-IL; Burris D-IL; Casey D-PA; Gillibrand D-NY; Leahy D-VT; Saunders I-VT & Whitehouse D-RI
Please note that Barney Frank D-MA, was absent and did not vote. It is hard not to notice the number of Congressional representatives on the list that hail from socialist strongholds such as CA, MA, NY and NJ…
More at Uncommon Sense