Is Elena Kagan Morally Blind?
James Lewis
American Thinker
Elena Kagan has now admitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee that as a Clinton lawyer in 1997, she fraudulently revised an official medical opinion by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The medical society was going to publicly reveal that “its panel of experts found no circumstances in which the (partial birth abortion) procedure was the only option for saving the life of the woman.”
In a secret internal memo, she wrote that “This, of course, would be a disaster[.]”
Kagan therefore secretly revised the language so the final statement in 1997 claimed that the partial-birth abortion “may be the best and most appropriate procedure in particular circumstances to save the life or preserve the health of the woman.”
That was a pernicious lie. The medical panel originally said that was false. Kagan substituted her own judgment for a medical consensus.
No wonder eight hundred Jewish rabbis have publicly stated that in their opinion, Elena Kagan is not morally qualified to be on the Supreme Court. Her fraudulent actions in 1997 legally authorized the killing of approximately two thousand newborns or almost-newborns each year, according to the pro-abortion Gutmacher Institute.
Partial birth abortion means killing a full-term fetus, a human being. That is murder by biological definition. The media try to throw dust in our eyes about that fact, but most Americans know. We might have mixed feelings about abortion in the first month of pregnancy, but a full-term baby is a human being, and whether it is killed ten minutes before or after delivery makes no difference. It’s still the same baby…
…Elena Kagan has some terrifying opinions about the government’s ability to kill free speech. At Harvard she was part of the feminist establishment that got Larry Summers fired as president for dropping a politically incorrect remark. Kagan is no defender of free speech, not even on university campuses where telling the truth is the essence of scholarship. Just the opposite. We have censorship on our campuses today because of the likes of Dean Kagan.
In front of the Judiciary Committee she’s been clowning it up. But I don’t think Kagan is a funny lady. No, when I look at her, I look at a commissar of Political Correctness, who rose to the top at Harvard Law in the New Age of PC…
The article continues at American Thinker.