Jim Messina: Obama Never Attacked Fox News, Rush Limbaugh

Big Journalism

In another video from Talk Radio Network chief investigative reporter Jason Mattera, Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign manager and director of Organizing for Action Jim Messina denies that Obama has ever attacked Fox News or Rush Limbaugh—a funny claim, considering the wealth of evidence to the contrary.

On February 20, 2013, Mattera caught up with Messina in Washington, D.C. “Do you think it’s unbecoming of the president to be constantly attacking Fox News and Rush Limbaugh?” Mattera asks. “I don’t think that’s what he’s doing,” says Messina, as a staffer tries to usher him away from Mattera.

“Don’t you read his interviews?” Mattera replies. “He whines about Fox news and Rush. I mean, don’t you think it’s childish to be going after a news network and a radio host?” The staffer tries to intervene, but Messina answers, “I answered your question. I don’t think that’s what he’s doing…I think he’s answering the question he got asked.”…

…The fun video highlights a more important point, however. Obama’s bullying focus on members of the media who do not parrot his administration’s talking points has created a climate of intimidation in media. Modus operandi at the White House has become cutting off all adverse media at the knees, ensuring that they do not gain access to the White House, and whipping up public pressure to silence those outlets.

After a San Francisco Chronicle reporter posted a video of protesters at an Obama fundraiser, the White House threatened to bar the paper from future events. The Boston Herald claimed the Obama campaign would not give it full access to a local fundraiser for the President because the paper featured an op-ed from Mitt Romney on its front page…

…In 2009, then-Press Secretary Robert Gibbs summed up the Obama White House’s attitude towards critical media: “The only way to get somebody to stop crowding the plate is to throw a fastball at them. They move.”


The entire article, with video, is at Big Journalism.


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