Daniel Greenfield
FrontPage Magazine
ObamaCare could have been even worse. (via James Taranto)
In 2009, the Campaign for America’s Future, a collection of influential lefties within the Democratic Party, ran a blog post that proposed to use the VA as a national health care model.
CAF events had featured Obama, Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren. It was an influential organization pushing the party further to the left.
The post was by health care consultant Joe Paduda, who recently dismissed the people suffering under ObamaCare by writing, “‘When one person suffers it is a tragedy, when millions do, it is a statistic.’ As abhorrent as quoting Josef Stalin might be, the monster was right.”
If you want a window into the mindset that is responsible for the VA and ObamaCare, you could do worse than to contemplate the sort of person who thinks that way…
…“What Paduda failed to note was that the VA also is a single-payer-type system that delivers health care directly, just like the British National Health Service… The problem with using the VA as a model for the public plan is that those who would accuse its proponents of advocating for “government-run health care” would be right. How many of those proponents would be willing to stand up and say at that point: “Yes, that’s what we’re for.”…
Read the complete article at FrontPageMag.com
Related: Blame Government Health Care, Not Shinseki
The VA problem is not Shinseki; it’s socialism. The Veterans Affairs health care system is completely government run. It is a pure single-payer program. National Review Editor Rich Lowry calls it “an island of socialism in American health care.” He is right. I’ve been arguing this all week.
So perhaps Democrats and Republicans will get together to sack VA Secretary Eric Shinseki. But that won’t change a thing. In fact, it’s a distraction…
Also at the site, Obama, Shinseki Stories on VA Don’t Add Up
The reputations of one of the Army’s finest generals and of a once-admired institution may get tarnished, but nothing should now get in the way of urgent investigations, firings and immediate fixes in health care for veterans…
To Honor America’s Veterans, Obama Heads to Golf Course
With at least 40 veterans dead from negligence at VA hospitals nationwide, President Obama on Saturday paid lip service to America’s military — then headed to the golf course, apparently to honor our brave soldiers.
In a taped weekend address (so as not to delay his tee time), Obama said: “As Commander in Chief, I believe that taking care of our veterans and their families is a sacred obligation. It’s been one of the causes of my presidency.”
So has the economy. And transparency. And accountability. All of the presidents “causes” have been dismal failures.
This Memorial Day weekend, as America honors her veterans, Obama has buried the scandal at U.S. Veterans Administration hospitals, where wait times for health care are blamed for at least 40 deaths at just one facility. Dozens of other veterans hospital are now under investigation…