Moving Olympic Mother Ad

A Shot at Obama?

Independent Journal Review

Democrats took a huge hit after President Obama and DNC strategist Hilary Rosen made a slip by knocking hard working mothers saying that Ann Romney a mother of 5 had “never worked a day in her life.”

Now Proctor & Gamble is releasing a tv ad campaign defending the work of Moms all around the world, saying of being a mother, “The hardest job in the world, is the best job in the world.” The ad features various mothers helping their children prepare for the 2012 Olympics as well as staying behind at home helping care for the needs of their young children. Will the mainstream media attack Proctor & Gamble for defending stay at home mothers in this new viral video ad?

Either way watch this video and try not to have tears come to your eyes.

H/T The ReFounders on Facebook

Update: Was Michelle Obama behind Hilary Rosen’s attack on  Ann Romney? It doesn’t say much for the main stream media when we get more truth these days from The National Enquirer.

…Political sources revealed to The ENQUIRER that MICHELLE OBAMA brain-stormed the scheme to sic a pit bull strategist on the GOP contender’s wife ANN ROMNEY and it backfired! (snip)

…behind the scenes, her fingerprints were all over the scandal, said an inside source.

“Michelle had her claws out to get Ann, but it quickly backfired and Barack was livid when he heard she had secretly directed the attack,” said the source. (snip)…

Is there much reason to doubt this?
…as an adult working in the finance sector, Romney appears to have changed things up when it came to his new family. The Boston Globe reported June 27, 2007, “Mitt eschewed the trappings of wealth. The family had no cook or full-time maid.” An anonymous source close to the Romneys told the International Business Times Thursday, “No nannies.”…
…Maybe we’re too quick to judge…

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