17 January 2010
Worcester, MA
While President Obama was in Boston campaigning for Attorney General Martha Coakley, Scott Brown visited Worcester.
We’d like to show you the events of the day, courtesy of some good folks on Twitter. Most of the media attention was in Boston, but the real story, as we see it, was west of the city.
GatewayPundit reports that three venues were needed to hold the overflow of supporters who were unable to get into Mechanics Hall. You’ll notice in some of the photos below people are watching the candidate speak on a television screen in one of the other buildings. has the text of today’s speech by Scott Brown here.
UPDATE via GatewayPundit…excitement in Mechanics Hall as the crowd awaits the arrival of Scott Brown…by doing “the wave” around the balconies…
(To view the original photos click on the Twitpic links provided.)
Posted on January 17, 2010
by KLSouth on Twitpic:
The next five photos were posted on January 17, 2010 by PatriotInMA on Twitpic:
Below, RedMassGroup estimated at least 4,000 people attended the event at Mechanics Hall. Their photos here by Marlborough City Councilor Matt Elder.