Obama Calls Americans for Prosperity a ‘Problem for Democracy’ (Again)

Meredith Jessup
The Blaze

CAJ note: on the right side of this page, you will find our RSS feed from Americans for Prosperity. We do our best to support the group and their good work, for we are neither anti-American nor anti-prosperity.

In his continued condemnation of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United campaign finance ruling, President Obama once again suggested Thursday that the national grassroots organization Americans for Prosperity may be just a front organization covering up big corporations and foreign interests threatening American democracy–a claim the conservative group has vehemently denied.

During a town hall-style event with young voters hosted by MTV, the president was asked about the tea party’s validity. “They have every right and obligation as citizens to be involved in this process,” the president said. However, he noted that “there is an awful lot of corporate money being poured into these elections right now,” being spent on negative campaign ads

“If you’re in a battleground state right now, you are being bombarded with negative ads every single day and nobody knows who’s paying for these ads. They‘ve got these names like ’Americans for Prosperity,‘ or ’Moms for Motherhood.’ Actually, that last one I made up,” he laughed. “They’ve got these innocuous-sounding names and we don‘t know where this money’s coming from. I think that is a problem for democracy,” he concluded, suggesting that the groups might be Big Oil or Big Insurance companies unhappy with federal regulations on their industries…

…The Obama White House and congressional Democrats have been making these claims for more than a month now and, despite the media pointing out there’s not a shred of evidence to back them up, they continue to wrongfully accuse groups like AFP — and, more recently, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce — of having shadowy foreign donors…

This article enumerates the President’s ten additional attacks on AFP and continues, with video, at The Blaze.

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