Obama: Let’s Have a Picnic

The Washington Free Beacon

President Obama’s shot pool, drank beer and prepared for fundraisers over the past 24 hours, while both sides of the aisle and liberal media members slam him for ignoring the U.S. southern border crisis.

Now it seems he wants to go for a picnic, or so he said as he opened a speech in Denver, Colo., Wednesday.

“I think we should just stay here all afternoon and have a picnic,” he told the crowd. “This is really nice around here. Wow. What a gorgeous day.”



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RelatedObama Speaking Now To Reassure People He Plans to Take the Immigration Surge Seriously and Then Play Some Pool This president doesn’t do photo ops!


Obama parties in Denver; photos spread of ‘frat party fool’ fist bumping gorillas

…Why not party hard? After all, things couldn’t be better for America, you know, aside from the massive illegal alien crisis, IRS scandal, VA hospitals killing our vets, Benghazi investigations . . .

No worries about the war in Iraq, the Marine in Mexico, the terrorist surge and the fact that the world is now spitting on our shoes because of this administration.

Social media doesn’t miss much, so let’s take a look at what the narcissist in chief did to make a fool of himself instead of , oh I don’t know, running the country!

Let’s start with the fact the White House proudly announced the “very important” reason the president was in Denver to begin with…



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