Posted by Glenn Reynolds
December 29, 2009
RASMUSSEN: Ben Nelson Down 30 Points After Health Care Vote. “Here’s an interesting internal: among those uninsured, 62% disapprove of Nelson after his vote on ObamaCare. In fact, fewer uninsured approve of Nelson (37%) than insured (39%).”
UPDATE: Reader James Somers writes:
Glenn, the Rasmussen poll you link to about Ben Nelson’s disapproval rating contains an interesting tidbit, showing how Nebraska GOP governor Dave Heineman would best him in a Senate matchup. Similar polls in North Dakota suggest that GOP governor John Hoeven would beat Democratic Senator Byron Dorgan in a race there next year.
Of course, the missing link here is that neither Hoeven nor Heineman has announced a candidacy for the Senate. Voters opposed to the ObamaCare legislation should be encouraging their candidacies; and if Hoeven and Heineman are dedicated conservatives, they should seriously consider stepping up and running. I personally think John Thune did the country a great service in having the courage to run against Tom Daschle in 2004, especially after Tim Johnson barely beat him in 2002 under questionable circumstances. That ought to be remembered by conservatives if Thune does run for president in 2012.
I wish that Hoeven and Heineman would seriously consider announcing, now, before the Senate has a final vote on ObamaCare, that they will run against Dorgan and Nelson if they continue to insist on shoving this bad legislation down our throats. Put aside the cynicism for a moment: these Republican governors went into politics, at least in part, to serve what they perceive to be the public good. It would be nice if they stepped up like Thune did, since they may have as much power as anyone to stop ObamaCare.
Good point.