Romanoff says White House discussed three jobs

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — One of President Barack Obama’s top advisers suggested to a Colorado Democrat that he forgo a primary challenge to Sen. Michael Bennet and instead apply for one of three international development jobs.

The disclosure came just days after the White House admitted orchestrating a job offer in the Pennsylvania Senate race with the similar goal of avoiding a messy or divisive Democratic primary.

The back-room deals — former President Bill Clinton led the Pennsylvania effort and White House deputy chief of staff Jim Messina worked with former Colorado House Speaker Andrew Romanoff — called into question Obama’s repeated promises to run an open government.

Romanoff said in a statement Wednesday night that he was never promised a job and didn’t ask for help in getting one. Earlier, a White House official insisted nothing inappropriate or illegal took place but didn’t provide the details Romanoff offered in a statement and a copy of an e-mail he had received from Messina.

“Mr. Romanoff was recommended to the White House from Democrats in Colorado for a position in the administration,” White House deputy press secretary Bill Burton said. “There were some initial conversations with him, but no job was ever offered.”

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