Sequestration: The Sequester Spending Cuts Are Happening, One Way or Another

Amy Payne
The Morning Bell

Federal budget cuts called “sequestration” are scheduled to hit in just 10 days. The sequestration cuts are not perfect—they’re a blunt instrument to cut spending, rather than a deliberative plan that sets priorities, trims entitlements, and cuts other spending. But they are law.

It would be better to replace them with smarter cuts, but the reality is that Washington has to start cutting spending now. Real program reforms and a balanced budget are the only way to solve our continuing fiscal crises. So it is critical that Congress keep its word and follow through on these spending cuts to prove it is serious about bringing our budget into balance over the next 10 years.

Now that the March 1 deadline is approaching, the President is urging Congress to offset the sequestration budget cuts with more tax increases.

That’s simply unacceptable, says Heritage’s Grover M. Hermann Senior Fellow in Federal Budgetary Affairs, Patrick Louis Knudsen: “President Obama has already pocketed a $618 billion tax increase, so simply holding the line against taxes is a given.”

Lawmakers shouldn’t be fooled by the President’s rhetoric on a “balanced” approach to sequestration or any other budget issue—that simply means he’s looking to raise taxes again…

The article continues at

Related: Uncle Sugar and the Rise of Obamunism

…in the end, there was indeed equality—but not of opportunity. Rather Uncle Sugar’s subjects were equally poor, equally dependent, and equally hopeless. For the problem with Obamunism was simple: in the end you run out of other people’s money. And Uncle Sugar has nothing more to give.

Who knew they had any? Pelosi: Pay Cut for Congress Beneath Their Dignity

Obama hides behind the boys in blue and red; media swoon

…Today, for example, President Obama is surrounding himself with firefighters and police to claim that the evil sequester–which he invented–is going to force them out of their jobs. The media are aflutter about it.

But–think, folks! Who pays for these emergency services? State and local governments. Why does federal funding affect that?…

UpdateCNN: If Sequestration Is Horrible, Why Did WH Propose It?

Update 2: Obama Admin Kicks The Fear Mongering Into Overdrive: Sequester Cuts Will Result In “Thousands” Of Lead-Poisioned Kids!…

 Then why did Obama sign the cuts into law?

Update 3:  THEN vs NOW: Obama supported sequester before he was against it 

Rush STUNNED today by Obama’s slanderous/libelous comments about Republicans

Rush was stunned by Obama’s blatant comments today, blaming Republicans for nothing short of Armageddon if the sequester goes through. Rush says that Obama has stepped it up a notch from before where he was just suggesting that Mitt Romney would be OK if you got cancer. Now he’s suggesting the whole Republican Party would be OK if you got cancer. Rush said if this weren’t politics, Obama would have to pay for his slanderous/libelous comments.

I know this is a long clip (15 min), but it’s worth listening to in full as he goes on a riff near the end saying what Republicans seem unable to say in response to this president about what we believe.



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