CAJ note: For your convenience, here is the list of articles we’ve been compiling about Sestak and Romanoff since February 2010 when Jeffrey Lord first broke the story in the American Spectator.
Jim Meyers
26 May 2010
Allegations that the White House offered Joe Sestak a job in exchange for dropping out of the Pennsylvania Senate race echo an earlier report of a job offer to candidate Andrew Romanoff in Colorado.
On Sept. 27, 2009, the Denver Post reported that the Obama administration offered Senate candidate Romanoff a position if he canceled plans to run for the Democratic nomination against incumbent Sen. Michael Bennet.
The paper said the job offer, which specified particular jobs, reportedly was delivered by Jim Messina, Obama’s deputy chief of staff. One position the Post cited was a job at USAID, the foreign aid agency.
Messina contacted Romanoff soon after news leaked in August 2009 that Romanoff, former Colorado House speaker, would make a primary run against Bennet.
Romanoff turned down the offer and announced his candidacy. Obama then endorsed Bennet, who had been appointed in January 2009 to fill the seat vacated when Ken Salazar became secretary of the Interior.
But Romanoff trounced Bennet at last weekend’s Colorado Democratic assembly, winning the top line on the August primary ballot…
…Earlier in 2009, Colorado Democrats recommended Romanoff for a position in the administration, spokesman Abrams acknowledged. But he said that, although “there were some initial conversations, no job was ever offered.”
Observers are taking a fresh look at the Romanoff story amid ongoing controversy over Rep. Sestak’s claim that he was offered a position in the Obama administration in exchange for dropping his primary challenge to Sen. Arlen Specter.
Sestak said the offer came in July 2009, a month before he announced his candidacy…
The article continues at
UPDATE: Denver Post Goes Silent on Senate Candidate Job Offer Scandal