Soros/Obama/Democrat Connected “Veterans Group” Backs “Ground Zero Mosque”


Cross posted from New Zeal Blog

A high powered and well connected “veterans group” has issued a letter backing “Park 51″, the Islamic community center and mosque proposed for Lower Manhattan – the popularly known “Ground Zero Mosque”.

According to Joel Wendland, himself an army veteran and editor of the Communist Party USA newsite Peoples World, the organization, believes that the proposed mosque should be supported on Constitutional grounds and will serve to enhance U.S. national security in the long term.

According to an August 26 Wendland article in the World ;

Authored by, an organization that advocates for veterans’ issues and supports veterans for elected office, the letter urged the Park51 organizers not to abandon the project.

In addition the letter asked the group to circulate the letter to any interested party, “so they know that veterans like us see this as an important issue of our very Constitution and our national security.”

The veterans cited their sworn oath as members of the military “to uphold the Constitution” as a basic reason for their support for the project.

The letter noted the hypocrisy of the opponents of the project:

“For all the talk these days from some quarters about the importance of protecting the Constitution and allowing the free market to work unfettered, those same people are fighting against your community’s right to buy property and worship freely. Our duty to protect the Constitution didn’t end when our service did. It’s up to us to stand up for the right for all Americans to enjoy the Constitutional freedoms that so many around the world don’t have. So, we are standing up for you.”

Protection of the rights of all Americans to practice their faith in the manner of their choosing would also “deal a blow to the propaganda of al Qaeda and Islamist extremists, who recruit on the talking point that the United States is in a war against Islam.”

Finally, the letter noted that taking a stand on behalf of the Constitution promotes the safety of U.S. military forces abroad.

“As veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan,” it concluded, “we believe the construction of your community center isn’t ‘anti-America’ at all. In fact, building your community center is about as pro-America as one can get.“

For the full statement go here.

Who are these patriots, taking such a noble stand for the U.S. Constitution and the safety and security of America’s troops and citizenry?

Read the rest from KeyWiki at

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