St. Louis County Counselor Redington: Gladney Beating ‘Has Not Been Swept Under the Rug’

The story of Kenneth Gladney may finally be getting somewhere. County Counselor Patricia Redington, after waiting three months, has been forced to come out and defend her office in emails and in an interview with KMOX, a local St Louis radio station. We’d say it was quick work, but waiting to look into charges of political violence until after healthcare reform comes to a vote seems to be the plan. In previous columns, we identified a time difference for assault charges of 3 months versus 2 days. 3 months to start looking if you’re a black man beaten by union thugs and 2 days if you’re a Republican running for Congress against Dick Gephardt.

Redington is now responding to emails saying she is looking into the events, the investigation is still under review, and her office is interviewing witnesses. This is one of her responses to a St Louis county resident about the affair.

There were several incidents at this event which required police intervention, and our office is reviewing the police report and has been interviewing various witnesses before making a final decision on what charges may be issued.

One wonders just what exactly if anything new is being done. Three months seems a long time to wait to bring charges, especially in the case of Kelly Owens, where the incident is on video camera and witnessed by a police office. The answer given by Redington is noncommittal, and basically says ‘we’re looking into it.’ But are they? The pressure of the police report, the line drawn between St Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch and the Obama truth squads, and the background stories on Perry Molens and Kelly Owens got local citizens up in arms and interested KMOX reporter Kevin Killeen enough to ask some questions.

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