Judicial Watch: Defense, State Department Documents Reveal Obama Administration Knew that al Qaeda Terrorists Had Planned Benghazi Attack 10 Days in Advance

Administration knew three months before the November 2012 presidential election of ISIS plans to establish a caliphate in Iraq

Administration knew of arms being shipped from Benghazi to Syria


Judicial Watch 5/18/2015

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it obtained more than 100 pages of previously classified […]

California Attorney General Accused of Unfairly Targeting Conservative Group

The Washington Free Beacon 12/11/2014

The conservative Americans for Prosperity Foundation filed a First Amendment lawsuit against California Attorney General Kamala Harris accusing her of engaging in unfair targeting of conservative nonprofits, the San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

[T]he Americans for Prosperity Foundation is saying the state of California is improperly demanding information about its donors […]

Plaintiff in D.C. Gun Carry Victory Speaks, Defends Public Carry as a Matter of Personal, and Public, Safety

Brian Doherty Reason.com 7/28/2014

Tom Palmer (who works for the libertarian institutions the Atlas Network and the Cato Institute and has been a movement intellectual and activist since the 1970s) over the weekend, to his great surprise, won his long-simmering case overturning D.C.’s ban on carrying legally registered weapons in public. The case had been […]

Rand Paul: Obama Surgeon General Nominee To Push For Gun Confiscation

SelfOwnership1 YouTube 2/28/2014

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The Senator referred to the doctor’s Twitter account, available here.


H/T Johnny A.



Update: SCOTUS Shoot Down State’s Fight for Gun Rights.

Contending it is “fruitless” to expect that the federal government would rein in its own “lust” for tyranny, the instigator of a years-long conflict […]

Bloggers = Media for First Amendment Libel Law Purposes

Eugene Volokh The Volokh Conspiracy 1/17/2014

So holds today’s Obsidian Finance Group v. Cox (9th Cir. Jan. 17, 2014) (in which I represented the defendant). To be precise, the Ninth Circuit concludes that all who speak to the public, whether or not they are members of the institutional press, are equally protected by the First […]

Judge orders Google to turn over data to FBI

Paul Elias The Associated Press via NBC News

A federal judge has ruled that Google Inc. must comply with the FBI’s warrantless demands for customer data, rejecting the company’s argument that the government’s practice of issuing so-called national security letters to telecommunication companies, Internet service providers, banks and others was unconstitutional and unnecessary.

FBI counter-terrorism […]
