Egypt Fights ISIS—Obama Cuts Off Egypt

With Egypt in distress, the Obama administration’s behavior is strange.

P. David Hornik PJ Media 3/18/2015

Again, those disturbing questions about whose side the president is on…

…It was Sisi who, when recently addressing an audience of Sunni clerics at Egypt’s Al-Azhar University, called for a more moderate Islam that would not “want to kill […]

Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi, who talks to Netanyahu ‘a lot,’ says his country is in danger of collapse

Lally Weymouth The Washington Post 3/12/2015

Since the army took power from Mohamed Morsi in 2013 with popular support, Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi says he’s been fighting to keep the forces of anarchy at bay. On the eve of a large investment conference this weekend, he invited The Washington Post’s Lally Weymouth to the […]

El-Sisi’s response to the question of US Leadership in the region says it all

The Right Scoop 3/9/2015

Bret Baier interviewed Egypt’s President el-Sisi today and asked him if he’s getting enough help from the US, suggesting that some in Egypt are frustrated by the lack of support they’ve gotten since the US cut off military weapons to Egypt after Morsi was removed from power. El-Sisi was candid, saying […]

Amidst Obama retreat from Mideast, three regional leaders are forming a quiet but fiercely determined alliance against Iran & ISIS

Israeli PM Netanyahu, Jordan’s King Abdullah II & Egyptian President el-Sisi face high stakes. Will they succeed?

Joel C. Rosenberg Flash Traffic Blog 2/15/2015

Something curious is happening in the Middle East.

Amidst President Obama’s repeated moves to withdraw American military power and influence from the Middle East and “pivot” to Asia, three regional leaders […]

An Unserious America Gets Mistaken For The Hired Help

Editorial 1/28/2015

…We can probably expect hugging if the U.S. and its partners finally get a nuclear deal with Iran, but the Iranians this week once again reminded us that evil can’t be caressed into good.

Tehran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian confided to the official Iranian news agency on Tuesday that, using […]

Glorified Bastards

For Western elites, Ahmadinejad is preferable to Hirsi Ali, the Castros to Cuban dissidents.

Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online 1/13/2015

…One of the most peculiar pathologies of Western elites is carrying on this apparent romance with non-Westerners who dislike the West, while spurning those who admire it. The feminist pro-Western critic of Islam, Ayaan […]
