Just like the old Soviet Union: Dem judge orders psych counseling for D'Souza

Clinton appointee ignored physicians, orders more treatment for Dinesh

Jerome R. Corsi WorldNetDaily 7/13/2015

NEW YORK – At a hearing Monday in Manhattan in which he ruled filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza must continue community service for four more years, U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman said he considers D’Souza’s violation of federal campaign-finance laws to be […]

Ted Cruz: White House ‘Counterfeiting Immigration Documents’

CBS DC 2/18/2015

WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, believes that the Obama administration is “counterfeiting immigration documents” under the president’s immigration plan.

Speaking to Fox News following a federal judge’s decision to temporarily halt President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration, the potential Republican presidential contender said the commander in chief is ignoring […]

Next President Could Appoint Three Supreme Court Justices

Tony Lee Breitbart.com Big Government 2 Nov 2012

Whoever wins next week’s presidential election may shape the Supreme Court for the next generation of Americans, highlighting how important Tuesday’s election is to the high court’s future constitutional integrity.

Justices Antonin Scalia and Anthony Kennedy — both of whom were appointed by President Ronald Reagan — […]

The ‘Progressive’ Legacy

Thomas Sowell Real Clear Politics 2/14/2012

Although Barack Obama is the first black President of the United States, he is by no means unique, except for his complexion. He follows in the footsteps of other presidents with a similar vision, the vision at the heart of the Progressive movement that flourished a hundred years ago.


Article III, Section I

Michael Walsh The Corner National Review 12/21/2011

Andy, thanks for your clear-headed exposition on the proper relationship among the three branches of government, and in particular on the limits of the courts’s authority. Just to refresh everyone’s memory, here’s the Constitution on the subject:

The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in […]
