Buffy Wicks Departs White House, Joins Axelrod’s Old Media Firm?

Morgen Verum Serum 4/26/2010

Buffy Wicks, remember, was the Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement who was implicated (along with Yosi Sergant) in orchestrating a propaganda campaign for health care reform with the National Endowment for the Arts. Sergant ended up resigning over this incident, but I believe “Buffy the Integrity […]

Faughnan: It’s Time for Some Tough Questions

By Brian Faughnan TheConservatives.com Aug. 18, 2009

Would a Republican president get away with this type of questionable dealing?

The White House has cut a deal with those evil drug makers – the ones who have been charging an arm and a leg for their products, and fighting ‘sensible’ reforms, and generally been very […]
