Obama is at Two Dozen Scandals and Counting

Keith Koffler White House Dossier 8/1/2013

President Obama claims that Republicans are busy probing “phony scandals.” But the sheer number of scandals suggests that misbehavior, abuse of power, and possibly corruption are not something being dreamed up by the GOP, but a defining characteristic of the Obama administration.

Here is a full list of the […]

Reporter admits going easy on Obama adviser Axelrod to not hurt his feelings. Book: Obama won’t hesitate to go negative on Romney

Alex Pappas The Daily Caller 8/20/2012

A new e-book on the Obama administration says presidential adviser David Axelrod is so popular with reporters that one privately admits to avoiding writing tough stories that would upset him.

Author Glenn Thrush doesn’t name the reporter in his “Obama’s Last Stand” e-book, but wrote that “Axe” is “so […]

Axelrod and PhRMA

Mickey Kaus Kaus Files The Daily Caller 6/25/2012

The left-leaning press should be all over this, no? Evil Big Drug Companies (PhRMA) funnel money to David Axelrod’s old ad firm (which is still paying him for his share) even as they are negotiating with the Obama administration? Hello? Josh Marshall? Arianna? You there? Someone explain […]
