When is viciousness, acts of political violence morally justified?

“At some point these acts of brazen viciousness are going to lead to a renewed philosophical interest in the question of when acts of political violence are morally justified.”

Althouse 3/11/2011

How quickly the lefty mind turns toward violence! That’s the lofty law-and-philosophy professor Brian Leiter. Here, I’ll help you get your fancy-schmancy, high-tone philosophy […]

America 2011: Security Forces Struggle to Get Control of Wisconsin Capitol

Publius Big Government 3/10/2011

A mob currently controls the Wisconsin capitol building. They are trying to prevent an elected legislature from convening. If the left will go this far to protect their own pampered status in one state, imagine what they’ll do when we have to tackle the federal budget crisis.

…At a certain time, […]

Althouse: There are young people in the Wisconsin Capitol who have been there, sleep deprived, for 15 days and are truly suffering

CAJ note: Ann Althouse is the parent of a young man who is probably about the age of some of these protesters. In this post, it is the voice of a mother we hear…

Althouse 3/1/2011

I just watched video Meade brought home, and I am not going to put it on line. But I […]

Insidious & Scary: Frances Fox Piven Answers Glenn Beck

The Blaze 1/24/2011

Editor’s note: You might want to watch this to the end…it gets a little odd around the 4:08 mark.

Professors Althouse and Reynolds offer their opinions:

“History tells us” something that history doesn’t tell us, say sociologists to protect Frances Fox Piven

Here’s the expression of “outrage” by the officers of […]

‘In 1970, when I was 22 years old…’

‘…the same age as Jared Loughner–I was a founder of the Weather Underground, an offshoot of the antiwar group Students for a Democratic Society.’ [SDS]

Althouse 1/14/2011

Writes Mark Rudd in the Washington Post:

My willingness to endorse and engage in violence had something to do with an exaggerated sense of my own importance. I […]

Campaign stop, pep rally, game show, or memorial service for murder victims? Update: photo removed from Flickr

“Obama: The Hardest Working Man in Show Business” ~The Anchoress, 1 July 2009

If White House Was Surprised by Applause at Tucson Pep Rally… Why Did They Ask For It On Jumbotron?

Jim Hoft GatewayPundit 1/15/2011

On Thursday, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that they were surprised by the applause […]
