Rep. Issa: AG Holder ‘Absolutely’ Knew About ATF’s Gunrunning Earlier Than He Testified

Rep. Issa: Holder ‘Absolutely’ Knew About Fast & Furious Earlier Than He Testified via YouTube 6/17/2011

Rep. Darrell Issa discusses Attorney General Eric Holder’s testimony and the investigation into the Justice Department’s “Operation Fast and Furious”. An operation which deliberately let operatives of Mexican drug cartels purchase guns at licensed U.S. firearms dealers […]

Obama Administration’s New Proposed Gun Regulation for Border States Met With Bipartisan Dissent

Stephen Clark 1/15/2011

The Obama administration’s plan to force new reporting requirements on thousands of gun dealers near the Mexico border is under fire from members of his own party.

At least three Democrats in the Senate and several more in the House are voicing opposition to a proposed regulation from the Bureau of […]

Obama names anti-gun extremist as next BATFE head

Kurt Hofmann St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner 11/16/2010

Well, it’s official (if misspelled, in the New York Times)–Andrew Traver is President Obama’s choice to be the BATFE’s next Supreme Leader:

Nearly two years into his term, President Obama on Monday finally chose a director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Mr. Obama […]
