The Race Card’s Steep Cost

As the NYPD deaths show, demagogues’ constantly taking cheap shots at the police can end in tragedy.

Thomas Sowell National Review Online 12/23/2014

The cold-blooded murder of two New York City policemen as they sat in their car is not only an outrage but also a wake-up call. It shows, in the most painful way, […]

Eric Holder Plays Race Card

The Washington Free Beacon 4/9/2014

Attorney General Eric Holder played the infamous race card while speaking before Al Sharpton’s National Action Network on Wednesday.

Holder told the audience that he’s proud of the significant strides and lasting reforms his department has achieved “even in the face of unprecedented, unwarranted, ugly, and divisive adversity”

Holder then […]

'Not even a smidgen of corruption'

Michael Ramirez 2/10/2014



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Related: Video: ‘Not even a smidgen of corruption’: Obama downplays IRS, other scandals

President Obama, in an interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, tried to put behind him the scandals that have hung over his second term, suggesting his administration […]

'The IRS scandal is not over...and the Department of Justice investigation is a sham...'

Cleta Mitchell Testifying on IRS Scandal: Lies Upon Lies, Not BoneHeaded Bureaucrats, It’s Not Over

Maggie Maggie’s Notebook 2/7/2014

…First, the IRS scandal is real. It’s not pretend, it’s real. No. 2, the IRS scandal is not just a ‘bone-headed’ bunch of bureaucrats in some remote office, contrary to what the President of the United […]

Obama Laughs When Questioned About #Benghazi Terror Attack



Nickarama Weasel Zippers 2/2/2014

…O’Reilly says the question about whether it was a terrorist attack matters because of Susan Rice (because she was sent out to lie on the Sunday talk shows and say it was all because of the video). At this point, Obama broadly smiles and laughs dismissively about the […]

Harvard Prof Ogletree Lashes Out at ‘Bigot’ Andrew Breitbart – Defends Oprah’s Racist Remarks

Jim Hoft The GatewayPundit 11/18/2013

Harvard professor Charles Ogletree lashed out at “bigot” Andrew Breitbart tonight on “The O’Reilly Factor.” Ogletree then defended Oprah Winfrey who described America as a racist nation last week while promoting her film in London.

Bill O’Reilly: Is there one legitimate news organization anywhere that used race to attack Barack […]
