Michelle Obama: Americans 'Take for Granted' How Much Barack Has Improved Us

Charlie Spiering Breitbart.com Big Government 19 Sep 2014

…The First Lady emphasized her continued belief in the hope and change that they promised in 2008.

“Today, when folks ask me whether I still believe everything we said about change and hope back in 2008, I tell them that I believe it more strongly now than […]

Minister’s passionate rant to black community goes viral: Stop blaming ‘police and white folk’

Richard Berkow BizPac Review 8/16/2014

A voice in the wilderness has been heard, as black Minister Johnathan Gentry’s rant against the rioters in Ferguson, Missouri went viral this week and catapulted him into the public eye.

Gentry’s six-minute diatribe posted on Facebook Wednesday exploded across social media when he lambasted the black community in Ferguson […]

Obama: Hey, it wasn’t MY idea to leave Iraq

Jazz Shaw Hot Air 8/10/2014

We may as well finish up the weekend on yet another inexplicable appearance by the Commander in Chief. And this one is a doozy, picked up by Joel Gehrke at The Corner. The President, during his brief, pre-tee off time availability this weekend, chose to address what a mess Iraq […]

Illegal Unaccompanied Minors Being Held For Placement in U.S. Admit to Engaging in Torture and Murder

Katie Pavlich Townhall.com 7/8/2014





…”We have six minors in Nogales who have admitted to killing and doing grievous bodily injuries. One admitted to killing as young as eight years old,” an agent tells Townhall anonymously for fear of losing his job for speaking out. “They are being held for placement […]

Obama: I Have No Regrets About Bergdhal Swap Since It Was Chuck Hagel Who Did It

DrewM. Ace of Spades HQ 6/10/2014

Secretary Hagel, please report to the bus depot. Secretary Hagel to the bus depot.

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, not President Obama, executed the administration’s final call to proceed with the prisoner exchange of five ranking Taliban detainees for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, administration officials told Congress today in a […]

A Selfie-Taking, Hashtagging Teenage Administration

The Obama crowd too often responds to critics and to world affairs like self-absorbed adolescents.

Eliot A. Cohen Opinion The Wall Street Journal 5/12/2014

…Often, members of the Obama administration speak and, worse, think and act, like a bunch of teenagers. When officials roll their eyes at Vladimir Putin’s seizure of Crimea with the line […]
