Cruz Accepts ‘Defender of Israel’ Award, Promises Unwavering Support

“The nation of Israel has never been in more jeopardy.”

Mark Tapson Truth Revolt 5/31/2015

Accepting the “Defender of Israel” award from the World Values Network at the Third Annual Champions of Jewish Values International Awards Gala last Thursday night, Senator Ted Cruz said that “The nation of Israel has never been in more jeopardy.”


‘Don’t Do This To Them’: Rubio Implores Dems To Not Boycott Netanyahu Speech, Spurn Israel

Al Weaver The Daily Caller 2/12/2015

In a speech on the Senate floor Thursday, Sen. Marco Rubio tried to dissuade Democrats from boycotting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech next month.

As of Thursday afternoon, 20 Democrats have announced they intend to skip the address, including Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Pat Leahy and Sen. […]

Harvard’s president stops an anti-Israel boycott against SodaStream

Even the president and provost were unaware of the divisive decision until they read about it in Harvard’s school newspaper.

Alan Dershowitz Opinion The Jerusalem Post 12/19/2014

The Harvard University Dining Service has been rebuffed in its efforts to join the Boycott Movement against Israel. A group of radical anti-Israel Harvard students and faculty had […]

Bill Whittle: The Case for Israel

TruthRevoltOriginals YouTube 7/23/2014

As Israel is under attack from Hamas in the Gaza strip and BDS — Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions — right here in America, Bill Whittle makes the historical and moral case for Israel, and shows just who, indeed, are the tyrants and aggressors in the Middle East.


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Palestinians to be punished for statehood vote

Anthony Martin Conservative Examiner 12/2/2012

Although President Obama has made it clear he will not retaliate against the United Nations or the Palestinian Authority over the vote creating a “Palestinian state,” Congress is set to do exactly that, according to a published news report in The Hill today.

A backlash against the Palestinian Authority is […]
