Ayaan Hirsi Ali Met With Standing Ovation At Yale University

Daniel Mael Truth Revolt 9/16/2014

Despite a dishonest attempt by Yale’s Muslim Students Association to sabotage a scheduled lecture by women’s rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the event took place Monday evening absent of conflict. On the contrary, Hirsi Ali was met with a standing round of applause at the end of the evening.

The […]

Graduation speaker stuns crowd, gets standing ovation for shaming ‘arrogant’ liberal student protesters

Richard Berkow BizPac Review 5/19/2014

…Birgeneau had refused to travel to the ceremony, replying to the radicals’ letter with a curt email. Bowen upbraided this behavior also, saying, he should have made “proper allowance for the immature, and yes, arrogant inclinations of some protestors. Aggravated as he had every right to be, I think he […]

Brandeis Says 'No' to Feminist, 'Yes' to...Terrorist?



Michael Graham The Natural Truth 4/13/2014

It is impossible to parody American liberalism, because every example you would invent to mock them is in fact something they have already done.

When Brandeis University decided to kow-tow to religious extremists and withdraw their honorary degree/opportunity to speak from Ayaan Hirsi Ali, I made […]

Did Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Reason Interview Sink Her at Brandeis?

Nick Gillespie Reason.com 4/9/2014

After announcing that it would honor author and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali with an honorary doctorate, Brandeis University has withdrawn its offer, partly due to statements she made during a 2007 Reason interview.

Born in Somalia and raised in Kenya, Hirsi Ali fled to the Netherlands and became an outspoken critic […]

Sandra does Spain

Poor Sandra Fluke… She Wants You To Pay For Her $9/Month Birth Control As She Frolics in Spain & Pompeii

Jim Hoft GatewayPundit 3/14/2012

Just when you thought you’d seen everything. Poor Sandra Fluke, the 30 year-old far left activist who wants you to pay for her $9 a month birth control, is dating a […]
