Frustrated Gowdy to DEA Chief: ‘What the HELL do you get to do?’

The Right Scoop 4/14/2015

Trey Gowdy was frustrated by all the bureaucratic loopholes one has to jump through just to get a DEA Agent disciplined for soliciting prostitution. Apparently the administrator doesn’t have the power to do anything to her agents which is why Gowdy asks her “what the hell do you get to do?”


Senator Blasts Net Neutrality as the Creation of a ‘Department of the Internet’

Erica Ritz The Blaze 2/9/2015

Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse says the term “net neutrality” is misleading, and what the Obama administration’s proposal would really do is create a “department of the Internet.”

“This is like the Fairness Doctrine for the Internet, where the government will decide what is neutral,” Sasse said on Glenn Beck’s radio […]

Harvard Law Professor: EPA Climate Rule Is Unconstitutional

Michael Bastasch The Daily Caller 12/5/2014

The Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed rule to cut carbon dioxide emissions from power plants is unconstitutional because it violates the Tenth Amendment and the Fifth Amendment, according to a noted liberal Harvard law professor.

“In short, coal has been a bedrock component of our economy and energy policy for […]

Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change.

The people we elect aren’t the ones calling the shots, says Tufts University’s Michael Glennon

Jordan Michael Smith The Boston Globe 10/19/2014

THE VOTERS WHO put Barack Obama in office expected some big changes. From the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping to Guantanamo Bay to the Patriot Act, candidate Obama was a defender of civil liberties and […]

Bill Whittle at AFP's 'Defending the American Dream Summit'

joebaseball17 YouTube 8/30/2014 . .

The Reformation of Manners

Mark Steyn Steyn Online 8/29/2014

On Friday I appeared on Michael Graham’s radio show to discuss, among other things, the appalling revelations from Rotherham, a drab town in South Yorkshire in which over the course of a decade and a half some 1,400 girls (as young as 11) were “groomed”, drugged, raped, traded and, occasionally, […]
