Sweet Mercy, I Can't Get Enough Ezekiel Emanue!

Joel B. Pollak Breitbart.com Big Journalism 3 Nov 2013

…Emanuel went on Wallace’s program to defend the indefensible–that Obama had not lied about people being able to keep their plans, that it was all the insurance companies’ fault. Watching him, one had the sense viagra online prices that he believed it: that he was saving […]

ObamaCareTax–Paul Ryan: It’s a tax, so vote. Rangle: It’s a ‘fee for services.’ WH and Gov. Deval Patrick: It’s not a tax. Chief of Staff Jack Lew: It’s not a tax but maybe I should have listened to the oral arguments first. Steve Moore says it’s a BF tax on those making less than $120,000 per year. Maxine Waters hasn’t decided whether she’ll call it a tax or a mandate. Axelrod: Uninsured are ‘free riders.’ Fl Gov. Rick Scott: We will not comply. Pelosi: It doesn’t really matter because Americans are pretty stupid and don’t care anyway.

Paul Ryan: John Roberts Contorted ‘Logic and Reason’ With Health Care Ruling

George Stephanopoulos ABC News 7/1/2012

…“I’m very disappointed in the ruling. I think the chief justice had to contort logic and reason to come up with this ruling,” he said. “So one man decided against the dissenting opinion, against what I, you know, […]

Obama’s 2008 campaign promise: entitlement reform

Obama Calls Emergency Huddle With Democrats?

Ace Ace of Spades HQ 7/21/2011

…It’s possible Obama has realized his best political play is divergent from Congressional Democrats’ best play. The Congressional Democrats want no spending cuts, especially not on entitlements, because they’re in safe seats and all their base cares about is expanding the welfare state […]

Senate Health Bill Would Up Costs for Millions in Middle Class

Small Business Against Big Government 3/11/2010

A non-partisan study finds that ObamaCare will raise taxes on the middle class, a direct violation of his campaign promise not to raise taxes on anyone making less that $250,000 per year.

The Senate health care bill crucial to saving President Obama’s signature domestic initiative will hit the wallets […]

The Washington Times: Obamacare’s backroom deals

EDITORIAL: Obamacare’s backroom deal So much for transparency in government health care By THE WASHINGTON TIMES Friday, August 14, 2009

President Obama promised that all health care negotiations would be public. Over the course of a year, at campaign appearances, on national TV shows and to newspaper editorial boards, he said that he wanted to […]
