Judicial Watch Obtains 'Smoking Gun' Benghazi Documents

Jerome R. Corsi WorldNetDaily 1/26/2015

Documents obtained Monday through a federal court order show State Department officials disseminated the false story that the 2012 Benghazi attack that killed a U.S. ambassador was nothing more than the violent escalation of a demonstration by Muslims against an insulting video, even though they knew it was a coordinated […]

Bill Whittle: Why Benghazi Matters

Bill Whittle TruthRevoltOriginals YouTube 6/11/2014

In his latest, hard-hitting FIREWALL, Bill provides a moment-by-moment breakdown of the events leading up to the attack on the Consulate in Benghazi, a detailed analysis of who was doing and saying what as the attack was underway, and chronicles the following ten days of deceptions and lies on the […]

Bipartisan Senate report blames Obama administration for not preventing #Benghazi attack

Ed Morrissey Hot Air 1/15/2014

The bombshell here isn’t the blame — it’s that the blame is bipartisan. Normally in these circumstances, a Congressional committee looking into the activities of a current administration will split into partisan conclusions, especially if it’s critical at all. Not this time:

A long-delayed Senate intelligence committee report released on […]

Representative Harold Watson ‘Trey’ Gowdy III Grills Admiral Mullen on Why He Didn’t Interview Hillary Clinton, and What He Knows About Hillary Clinton’s Actions Before, During, and After Benghazi

Ace Ace of Spades HQ 9/19/2013

It’s just so corrupt.

The Fix was in from the start.

I’m afraid I can’t take generals and admirals seriously when they offer, supposedly, their candid beliefs about the advisability and usefulness of a war with Syria.

As we can see here, they just parrot what their boss wants […]

State Department’s Benghazi review let senior officials off the hook, report finds

Catherine Herridge FoxNews.com 9/15/2013

The State Department review of the Benghazi terror attack let senior officials off the hook for the policy decisions that led to sub-standard security at the U.S. compound in eastern Libya, according to a draft House committee report obtained by Fox News.

The nearly 100-page report concludes that the State Department’s […]

Benghazi: The Truth Behind the Smokescreen

NobamaPeriod YouTube 6/29/2013

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H/T Weasel Zippers


Related: Libyan Documents: Egyptians – Including Dr. Morsi – Linked to Benghazi Attacks

Middle East expert and author Raymond Ibrahim released a troubling Libyan intelligence document this week. The document asserts that the Muslim Brotherhood, including Egyptian President Morsi, were involved in the September 11, 2012, […]
