Reid Attacks Koch for Offenses Committed by Reid Donors

Senate Dem leader received tens of thousands of dollars from companies that did business in Iran

Lachlan Markay The Washington Free Beacon 4/4/2014

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) on Wednesday criticized a Koch Industries subsidiary for allegedly circumventing sanctions on Iran even though Reid has accepted tens of thousands of dollars in campaign […]

Maddow Attacks Kochs for Funding Group that Pays MSNBC Interns

Cable host’s attacks on Kochs littered with double-standards

The Washington Free Beacon 1/28/2014

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow tried to tie the Koch Brothers to a Florida free market group on Monday by noting that the Kochs have ties to the Institute for Humane Studies (IHS), which has paid stipends to interns at the group.

Maddow […]

Feds tell Web firms to turn over user account passwords

Secret demands mark escalation in Internet surveillance by the federal government through gaining access to user passwords, which are typically stored in encrypted form.

Declan mcCullagh CNET 7/25/2013

The U.S. government has demanded that major Internet companies divulge users’ stored passwords, according to two industry sources familiar with these orders, which represent an escalation in […]

Sneaky executive order bankrolls anti-Second Amendment propaganda

Tax dollars for gun control

Emily Miller The Washington Times 1/18/2013

The directives on gun violence President Obama signed Wednesday were meant to seem harmless. A closer look at the president’s first memorandum reveals it to be a sneaky assault on congressional authority in order to fund gun-control propaganda…

…Under the terms of the memo, […]

Operation: #OpSLAM – Stop the Lying A** Media

Greg Howard 11/9/2012

Media in the United States enjoys special privilege and protection under the First Amendment to the Constitution. Our Founders, in their timeless wisdom, knew the value of a press, free of government interference, serving as a watchdog and keeping the public informed. The vision was that a free press would serve to […]

Glenn Beck talks to bloggers about #BrettKimberlin terrorism

Glenn Beck 5/25/2012

This morning The Blaze broke one of the most important exposes that they have ever done. Brett Kimberlin is a domestic terrorist who went to prison after setting off a series of bombs and served 17 years of a 50 year sentence before his ultimate re-absorption into American society.

Where’s he today? […]
