America’s First Openly Marxist Big City Mayor

Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media 11/5/2013




…Described by CNN as the “unabashed liberal,” de Blasio is actually to the left of Barack Obama, in the sense that de Blasio didn’t disavow his communist background once it came viagra no rx to light. At least Obama tried to cover up his ties […]

Brown Prof recalls when a real fascist came to campus, calls Ray Kelly shout down 'a shameful day'

Brown U. Prof. to Kelly protesters: “Yours was an act of cowardice and fear, unworthy of any of the causes you claim to hold dear”

William A. Jacobson Legal Insurrection 11/1/2013

There was some real angry ugliness at Brown University Tuesday night, as NYC Police Commissioner Ray Kelly was shouted down and his lecture shut […]

The Global Caliphate One Year Later

”If I’m wrong, you have too much food and people make fun of you. If they (MSM/administration) are wrong, people die…. this is evil”

Glenn Beck 2/1/2012

…When revolution started with one man lighting himself in Tunisia, Glenn predicted that protests there would spread and sweep the Middle East. Has it happened? Egypt, […]

NYPD to Deploy These X-Ray Scanners on Pedestrians

Pat Dollard 1/19/2012

…Police Commissioner Kelly said the scanner would only be used in reasonably suspicious circumstances and could cut down on the number of stop-and-frisks on the street.

But the New York Civil Liberties Union is raising a red flag.

“It’s worrisome. It implicates privacy, the right to walk down the street without being […]

Did the NYPD Police Commissioner Meet with George Soros?

Buck Sexton The Blaze 10/26/2011

Did the most powerful police commissioner in America have a secret meeting with leftist financier George Soros?

Len Levitt, the police journalist and blogger behind NYPD Confidential, claims in a piece on HuffPo that Soros scored a clandestine conference with Kelly at One Police Plaza, the NYPD’s headquarters, just last […]
