New Jersey prosecutor who let Ray Rice off the hook is throwing the book at a young mother of two

Ashe Schow The Washington Examiner 9/8/2014

Following the release of new footage that seems to show now former-Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice punching his then-fiancée in the face, it’s important to remember that the prosecutor who let Rice off with a slap on the wrist is now trying to throw the book at a […]

Otis McDonald, R.I.P.

The Man Who Got the Second Amendment Applied to States and Localities

Brian Doherty 4/6/2014

Otis McDonald, the American hero who showed physical, emotional, and political braveness in his role as lead plaintiff in the groundbreaking 2010 Supreme Court case McDonald v. Chicago had died at age 80, as reported by his hometown paper […]

Gohmert: 'Ridiculous' Not to Allow Soldiers to Carry on Base

“Given yesterday’s tragedy at Fort Hood, it is abundantly clear something needs to be done to protect our men and women in the United States military.”

~Congressman Louie Gohmert


Truth Revolt 4/3/2014

On Thursday, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) blasted current military policy prohibiting military members from carrying weapons on base, […]

In CT, Untold Thousands Flout Gun Registration Law

Dan Haar The Hartford Courant 2/10/2014

Everyone knew there would be some gun owners flouting the law that legislators hurriedly passed last April, requiring residents to register all military-style rifles with state police by Dec. 31.

But few thought the figures would be this bad.

By the end of 2013, state police had received 47,916 […]

Obama Bypasses Congress with Executive Actions on Gun Background Checks

Awr Hawkins Big Government 3 Jan 2014

On January 3rd the Obama administration announced two new executive actions concerning background checks on firearm purchasers.

These come just over four months after Obama last used executive actions to bypass Congress and just weeks after Vice President Joe Biden said the White House was shifting its […]

Small RI town seeks recall of town council over obstruction of concealed carry permits

Exeter, Rhode Island has certified a recall election of all four Democratic Town Council members.

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William A. Jacobson Legal Insurrection 10/18/2013

Exeter, Rhode Island, is a town of about 6000 residents.

When the town council proposed handing off issuance of concealed carry permits to the State Attorney General’s office, town residents […]
