Clinton Internal Cable Forbids Use Personal Accounts

Just got this document from FNC’s Catherine Herridge about Secretary Clinton and personal emails

Greta Van Susteren GretaWire 3/5/2015

Per FNC’s Catherine Herridge…

Fox Exclusive: Clinton Internal Cable Forbids Use Personal Accounts

Fox News has exclusively obtained an internal 2011 State Department cable that shows Secretary of State Clinton’s office told employees not to […]

Listen As Members Of Congress Gasp When IRS Admits To Destroying Evidence; Paul Ryan Explodes With Fury

D.W. Ulsterman 6/20/2014

The loud gasp comes at the 30-second mark. You can see IRS Commissioner John Koskinen glance nervously in the direction of the sound, knowing full well he is standing atop an incredibly slippery slope here. The destruction of that hard drive (along with six others – all linked to the IRS […]

Lois Lerner’s ‘Lost’ Emails

Scott Johnson Power Line 6/14/2014

A reader writes from inside the Department of Justice to comment on the two-year gap in Lois Lerner’s intra-government email messages:

I’m a DOJ lawyer, so you obviously cannot use my name or any identifying information. But the idea that a “hard drive crash” somehow destroyed all of Ms. Lerner’s […]

Federal Courts: Obama Partnership With Drug Cartels Deeper Than Weapons

Brandon Walker Free Patriot 12/22/2013

Presented in a Federal Judge’s court ruling is an insight we have never seen in Federal Courts. It seems very prominent that Obama’s partnership with drug cartels go way beyond the weapons we knew about!

A federal court in Texas has issued a formal opinion on the court case United […]

What if It’s All True?

Roger L. Simon PJ Media 12/4/2013

…in the wake of the serial lies about Obamacare, Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, media surveillance, the NSA, Syria, Iran, etc., etc., I’m now prepared to believe many things of which I might initially have been at least somewhat skeptical.

To put it bluntly, Occam’s Razor has moved. […]

‘Enroll America’ Director Conspires to Release Private Data for Political Purposes

veritasvisuals YouTube 11/20/2013

Texas Enroll America Communications Lead Chris Tarango conspires to release private data to help a political action committee and admits this type of thing has happened in the past.

To support further investigations, click here to donate to Project Veritas:

Enroll America is a a Sibelius-linked group dedicated to signing people […]
