Republican leaders shove secret Obamatrade bill down America’s throat

Poor Richard’s News 6/23/2015

Our country suffered a massive blow today as Congress shifted Constitutional power and national sovereignty into the hands of not only the Executive Branch but foreign governments through the passage of the “fast track” trade bill known as Obamatrade…

…Just how bad is this? It’s difficult to say at this point. […]

Ex-Im bank stand betrays Warren’s populist roots: Column

Massachusetts senator went to DC to fight for families, but she may end up backing corporations.

Shikha Dalmia USA Today 9/29/2014

Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts rode to Washington — and progressive icon status – by promising “to work for the middle class and working families every chance I get” and, unlike Mitt Romney […]

How Nancy Pelosi Helped This Top Democrat Donor Nab Millions in Taxpayer Money

Kevin Mooney The Daily Signal 8/11/2014

Democrat billionaire Tom Steyer has donated more than $20 million to candidates and outside groups to influence this year’s election, making him the top individual contributor in 2014. And that’s just a fraction of the $50 million Steyer has said he’s willing to spend.

The San Francisco-based environmental activist […]

2014's sleeper issue: A bank nobody's heard of

Eric Bradner Politico 7/13/2014

The 2014 campaign season’s got a sleeper issue: a government bank most people have never heard of.

The Export-Import Bank, a federal entity that has handed out loans to American businesses in relative obscurity for years, is suddenly a political flashpoint — either a symbol of government-sponsored corporate welfare, as some […]

Rep. Gutierrez Says Votes Are There for Immigration Reform

Hispanically Speaking News 8/1/2013

Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) said Wednesday that comprehensive immigration reform has the support of dozens of members of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives.

Among GOP backers of comprehensive reform he cited Wisconsin’s Paul Ryan, the 2012 Republican candidate for vice president.

Gutierrez said 195 of the 201 Democrats […]

Sen. Rand Paul talks immigration reform and his plan to balance the budget in 5 years 3/20/2013

Senator Rand Paul has been blowing up in the headlines since his epic thirteen hour filibuster a few weeks ago. His CPAC speech received praise from the more conservative wing of the GOP, he’s being labeled as a future leader of the part, there have been a few hints around a possible presidential […]
